Dear friends of organ and sacred music!
We look with hope and courage to the year 2023. We hope that there will not be a new Corona wave with further massive restrictions to the concert dates planned today. The downward trend in Corona numbers in the recent past speaks for this.
Effective immediately, all remaining restrictions and regulations of the Bishop's Orders for Church Concerts and Church Events issued during the Corona Pandemic, with the last date of April 26, 2022, have been lifted.
Therefore, restrictions no longer apply to church concerts.
You can find more information under this link:
- Subject to changes at short notice -
We thank you for remaining loyal to us in these difficult times and thus supporting the cultural asset "organ and sacred music"! The concert programme 2023 can be downloaded under this link:
Concert programme Neuhauser Organ Concerts 2023
- Subject to change -
Sunday, 19 March, 6 pm:
Organ Concert (Cat. 1)
With works by:
J.S. Bach, F. Mendelssohn, J. Stainer, R. Schumann, H. Darke and C.V. Stanford
Florence Rousseau, organist at Rennes Cathedral, France
Sunday, 14 May, 11 am:
Matinee concert for children (free admission)
„Joseph and his brothers" told in 11 pictures
and interpreted by organ improvisations
The performers:
One speaker
KMD Markus Grohmann, organ
Sunday, 02 July, 6 pm:
The Summer Concert (Cat.2)
"In the splendour of timpani and trumpets"
With works by Endler, Telemann, Schnizer, Mendelssohn,
Karg-Elert and others.
The performers:
Trumpet Ensemble Stuttgart with
Christian Nägele, Johannes Knoblauch and
Joachim Jung. Uwe Arlt, percussion/timbals
Cathedral organist Prof. Johannes Mayr, organ
Sunday, 15 October, 6 pm:
Organ Concert (Cat.1)
With works by J.S. Bach, Capocci, C. Frank and F. Liszt, and others.
Sara Musumeci, Sicily Italy
Sunday, 31 December, 4 p.m.
Festive New Year's Eve concert (Cat.2)
Ludwigsburg Brass Quintet.
Ludwigsburger BlechbläserQuintett.
Julian Handlos, District Cantor in Schorndorf, Organ
With works from various stylistic epochs
and arrangements
Ticket prices:
2 different categories apply (Cat.)
(Cat. 1) 15 € Reduced 12 €
(Cat. 2) 18 € Reduced 15 €
Reduction applies to pupils/students/FSJ and severely disabled persons.
Please send your ticket requests to the following e-mail address:
Our advance ticket sales points will be announced shortly.
Box office/church opening:
For Cat.1 concerts: 30 min. before the start of the concert.
For Cat.2 concerts: 45 min. before the start of the concert
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, updated April 04, 2023
- State-certified music teacher-
- Director of the Sacred Music of the Deanery Esslingen-Nürtingen -
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Dear friends of organ and church music!
We are looking forward to 2022 with hope and courage. We hope that there will not be a further Corona wave with renewed massive restrictions on the concert dates planned today.
The current Corona Rules of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart apply.
to be viewed on the homepage of the diocese
We thank you for remaining faithful to us during this difficult time and thus supporting the cultural asset "organ and church music"! The concert program 2022 can be downloaded under this link:
Konzertprogramm Neuhauser-Orgel-Konzerte 2022
- Subject to change without notice -
Sunday, March 27, 2022, 6 pm
Choral concert
With works of several stylistic epochs
Boys' Choir Capella Vocalis Reutlingen
Conductor: Christian Bonath
Sunday, May 15, 2022, 6 p.m.
Organ Concert
With works by Bach, Franck, Dupré
Vierne and others
Titular organist Maurice Clerc,
Dijon, France
Sunday, July 10, 2022, 6:00 p.m.
Anniversary Concert
80 Years Choir of St. Peter and Paul
Johann Sebastian Bach
Choral "Jesus bleibet meine Freude" (Jesus remains my joy)
Praeludium and Fugue in E flat major BWV 552
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Bildnachweis Nr. 99
"Ave verum corpus natum"
Offertory "Scande coeli limina" KV34
Franz Schubert "Mass in G major"
The contributors are:
Choir St. Peter and Paul Neuhausen
Orchestra Musica viva Tübingen
Shihono Higa, organ
Friederike Brucklacher, soprano
Holger Ries, tenor
Jürgen Deppert, bass
Conductor: KMD Markus Grohmann
Saturday, December 31, 2022, 4 p.m.
Festive New Year's Eve Concert „In Classic and Jazz".
The Ludwigsburg Brass Quintet
and the Uli Gutscher Jazz-Trio (Stuttgart)
- Subject to change without notice -
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, December, 28. 2021
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Weimar College of Music on the Walcker Organ
Report from the organ tour in September 2020
On 30 September 2020, a group of students from the Weimar College of Music were guests in Neuhausen. Together with their professor Martin Sturm, senior lecturer of the Institute of Church Music and Music Education, they literally tried out organ works by Mendelssohn and Liszt. These can be performed on the Walcker organ from 1854 with a sound adequate to the composers' ideas. A short time ago, we received a request from Prof. Sturm with the remarkable sentence: "With my students I am excursion to Southern Germany. Of course, Neuhausen must not be missing from the programme". Observing the hygiene regulations, we made it possible for the organ travellers to visit the instrument.
Picture credits No 15 and Picture credits No 32
The students were enthusiastic and impressed by the sound of the Walcker organ. Above all, however, they were impressed by the original cone chest, which requires a special way of playing. The aspiring church musicians posted on social media: "The few surviving organs of Eberhard Friedrich Walcker...are key instruments for a dynamic playing practice. The mechanical cone chest allows for a liveliness and plasticity in articulation and interpretation that cannot be experienced anywhere else. The complex web of relationships between the stops and the sensitive voicing make this instrument one of the highlights of our organ tour."
The Weimar Conservatory has been founded in 1872 on the initiative of the famous Austro-Hungarian pianist, organist, conductor and composer Franz Liszt. He worked in Weimar for many years as Kapellmeister. One of his aims was to professionalise the orchestras in order to meet the demands of the increasingly complex orchestral compositions. Later, singing, opera and theatre, composition, the pedagogical training of instrumental and singing teachers as well as the training of virtuosos such as concert violinists or concert pianists were added.
Since 1956, the Weimar Academy of Music has borne the name of its initiator Franz Liszt. In a certain way, the year of the university's foundation, 1872, coincidentally links Neuhausen with Weimar: the builder of our organ, Eberhard Friedrich Walcker, died in Ludwigsburg in exactly the same year. And also in 1872, master organ builder Hermann Eule founded his organ-building workshop in Bautzen/Saxony, which is still renowned today and where our two instruments were excellently restored in 2004-2005.
Church Music Director Markus Grohmann, Neuhausen auf den Fildern on 22 November 2020
- State-certified music teacher -
- Head of Church Music Deanery Esslingen-Nürtingen -
Update from January, 14. 2022
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L'école supérieure de musique de Weimar
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Веймарская консерватория на органе Валькера
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Musikhochschule Weimar auf der Walcker-Orgel
The photo on the left shows the Christmas decorated apse of the parish church of St. Peter and Paul with the organ positive by Hieronymus Spiegel (1699 - 1779). It was built in Rottenburg am Neckar in 1762 and was originally intended for the Liebfrauenkapelle in Neuhausen. Since the renovation in 2005 the organ is in the parish church.
The photo on the right gives a view of the large church hall and the organ by Eberhard Friedrich Walcker (1794 - 1872). The organ was completed in Ludwigsburg in 1854. The parish church itself can accommodate up to 600 visitors. At the New Year's Eve concerts before the pandemic, there were usually no or very few seats available.
We hope that the Covid-19 pandemic will soon be over and we will regain our usual social togetherness. Bildnachweis Nr. 100
To all friends of organ and church music we wish a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year!
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, New Year's Day 2022
-State certified music teacher-
- Institutional Director Church Music Deanery Esslingen-Nürtingen -
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Walcker organ in Neuhausen inspires again and again
Guided organ tour for the Protestant parish of the
city of Oberndorf am Neckar
Already since the beginning of 2020, all choir and organ concerts in the parish church of St. Peter and Paul had to be cancelled due to pandemic. Despite this adversity, our E.F.Walcker organ built in 1854 shows itself again and again as a place of cultural encounter and professional exchange, of course in compliance with the Corona rules. The original cone chest tracker action and above all the Walcker sound concept are of particular interest. This again and again leads professors, students, church musicians and above all organ builders from different countries to the parish church in Neuhausen.
Thus we recently have been able to welcome members of the Protestant church community of the town of Oberndorf am Neckar. All participants fulfilled the prescribed Covid-19 rules. The delegation was led by Stephen Blaich. He is the church musician at the Protestant St. Martin's Church in Metzingen and works as a district cantor in the Bad Urach deanery. As a sideline, he works as an organ expert for the Protestant Church in Württemberg. In this office he advises, among others, the Protestant parish of the town of Oberndorf am Neckar. Until the 1970s there was an organ by Walcker installed, built in 1916, op. 1876, II/29, of which about 30% of the pipe material is still stored in the attic of the church. In addition, the casework still exists as part of the stone interior architecture. It is planned to build a new instrument in this case in the style of the old one. For this purpose, the responsible committee wished to learn more about Walcker's sound world, whereby our Walcker organ is well suited.
We were glad to fulfill the wish and to give some information about the renovation of our own E.F. Walcker organ, opus 126, 1854. After the introduction, the church musicians from Metzingen and Oberndorf made extensive use of the opportunity to become acquainted with the original tracker action, the connectable Barker lever, to make the various stops of the organ sound, and especially to experience Walcker's sound world first hand.
Switchable "Barker" lever.
A "Barker" lever is a playing aid. With its help, the force can be reduced in order to press a key on the manual of the organ and thereby make the notes sound. This playing aid can be switched on or off at the organ in Neuhausen.
If it is switched off, however, the keys must be pressed with considerably more force.
You can find an insight into the life's work of Eberhard Friedrich Walcker here:
Overview of Eberhard Friedrich Walcker's life's work.
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, December, 10. 2021
Pour lire ce texte en français, svp suivez ce lien
L'orgue Walcker de Neuhausen ne cesse de susciter l'enthousiasme
Visite guidée d'orgue pour la paroisse protestante de
la ville d'Oberndorf am Neckar
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Для русского языка, пожалуйста, перейдите по этой ссылке:
Орган Валькера в Нойхаузене вдохновляет снова и снова
Ongoing pandemic puts church music and church concerts in distress
Letter from our Bishop Dr. Gebhard Fuerst on the situation
of church music in the Covid-19 pandemic.
We are happy to comply with the request of our Bishop of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart to personally address all friends of church music, all lovers of choir singing and organ music and thus also all visitors of our concert series Neuhauser Orgel Konzerte.
His motto on his coat of arms reads: "Propter nostram salutem" - "For the sake of our salvation".
This is a direct reflection of our current situation.
Dear church musicians,
dear choir directors
dear singers in our choirs,
It is a great concern for me to address you today with this letter. It reaches you through various channels and large distribution lists, often in digital form. However, I would like to ask you that each and every one of you feels addressed personally. Because I know from many conversations and experiences that the Corona crisis particularly affects and restricts you in your musical work in many different ways. It is a hard and almost unbearable experience that singing and making music, which is actually meant for the glory of God and the joy of people, can all of a sudden be dangerous for oneself and others. It is a huge challenge for our choirs to stand up to this crisis and, as best we can, to somehow carry on. And after almost two years of the pandemic, it is also an almost endless test of patience.
I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart all those who are committed and dedicated to our church music and our choirs during this time of crisis. They have had to and continue to adapt to new regulations and guidelines that become necessary due to the ever-changing pandemic situation and legal situation. They hold our choirs together - as best they can - and creatively create community, which we so desperately need at this time. They manage to create impressive new things in the midst of the most difficult pandemic situations - I am thinking here of the many scholae and cantors who have begun their service in the last two years so that our church services did not have to remain without music and singing. All this impresses me very much. Especially now in Advent and at Christmas, the music in our Eucharistic celebrations and in all services is so important and valuable. Not infrequently it can express what a spoken word can no longer do - especially in times of crisis and distress.
The people in our congregations therefore need you very much at this time - perhaps more than ever before. I would like to ask and encourage you to persevere and to encourage and strengthen each other. Where, despite your best efforts, it is no longer possible and choirs have to give up or form differently, I ask that you give the former choir members, with all their current limitations, a fitting thanks and appreciation for their often decades of service. They truly deserve it!
Finally, my thanks also go to our organists. In many places they have risen to the challenges and have also used the crisis as an opportunity to introduce new chants from the hymnbook „Gotteslob“ or to bring new awareness to organ music in its proclamation mission.
Finally, I would like to make a request to you: Get vaccinated or, if necessary, brush up on your vaccinations! Especially for singers, good protection for themselves and for others is very important. This will also give us the opportunity to return to normal choir activities as early as responsibly possible.
In the third Advent we sing in the well-known hymn at the lighting of the third candle: "Now carry your goodness' bright glow far into the dark world." I wish you with all my heart that you can grasp the joy of Advent and Christmas in your heart in such a way that you can carry it out into the world and sing it with joyful courage!
With warm advent greetings
Dr. Gebhard Fürst
Bishop of Rottenburg-Stuttgart
Letter from 08 December 2021
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, December, 12. 2021
En langue francais, svp suivre ce lien:
La pandémie persistante met en difficulté la musique sacrée et les concerts d'église
Lettre de notre évêque Dr. Gebhard Fuerst
sur la situation de la musique d'église
dans la pandémie Covid-19
Diesen Text auf Deutsch, bitte diesen Link klicken:
Anhaltende Pandemie bringt Kirchenmusik und Kirchenkonzerte in Bedrängnis
Brief unseres Bischofs Dr. Gebhard Fürst zur Lage der Kirchenmusik in der Covid-19 Pandemie
Our New Year's Eve concert 2021 has to be
cancelled again because of Corona!
Our traditional New Year's Eve concert, which was planned for Dec. 31, 2021 at 4 p.m. with the Ludwigsburg Brass Quintet and the Uli Gutscher Jazz Trio from Stuttgart, unfortunately has to be cancelled for a second time due to the ongoing Corona pandemic. It will be made up for on New Year's Eve 2022.
In the past days we received many inquiries whether the concert would take place. We thank you for your interest in the concert series Neuhauser-Orgel-Konzerte and the lively response.
We hope that the vaccination rate against the Corona virus will have improved so much in the near future that we will be able to hold our concerts next year. We fear that we will also have to cancel the majority of our planned organ concerts in 2022 if the vaccination rate does not improve significantly. We therefore join the appeal of the German bishops and further organizations:
"Permanent Council of the German Bishops' Conference calls for vaccination".
Communications of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart on the current Corona situation .
Appeals of the German Association of Towns and Municipalities for vaccination against Corona and influenza .
National Academy of Sciences
Current statement of the Leopoldina on the coronavirus pandemic: Clear and consistent measures - immediately!
The daily updated Covod-19 situation of the district Esslingen am Neckar can be found on the homepage of the District Esslingen am Neckar.
We would be very pleased if you could continue to show interest in our concerts. All information about the concert series, our organs and church music can always be found promptly on this homepage.
Finally, we have a "small consolation" for you for the New Year's Eve concert that will not take place. There are some video recordings of the New Year's Eve concert 2019 on YouTube. You can find them under this link.
We wish you a reflective Advent season!
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Please note that when you leave this website you must consent or refuse cookies.
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, updated on November, 25. 2021
Apple juice from South Tyrol, Italy, donated for
the Organ Promotion Group
As in the past years, so also this year, our member Roman R. from the Italian Vinschgau (Alto Adige) has thought of us. While up to now he donated apples for sale at the Christmas market, this year he donated apple juice from a newly planted apple variety. It was not pressed from fallen fruit, but exclusively from picked apples in his own production. The flesh of the new variety is red and so it is not surprising that the juice also has a reddish color. And it tastes as good as it looks.
The proceeds from the sale of the juice will go to the Organ Promotion Group, whose tasks include the preservation of church music, the care and maintenance of our historic organs, and the support of the cantor's choir.
We thank our member in Italy with a heartfelt:
Grazie mille per la vostra generosa donazione!
The Organ Promotion Group is active on a voluntary basis.
Please consult the following website for further information:
The Vinschgau Valley in South Tyrol and its vacation areas
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Please note that when you leave this website you must consent or refuse cookies
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, on November 24. 2021
Dr. Helmut Thomas Eisele
- Chairman-
En langue francais, svp suivre ce lien:
Don de jus de pomme du Tyrol du Sud, Italie
Appelsap uit Zuid-Tirol, Italië, geschonken aan
de vereniging voor het behoud van het orgel.
Zoals de vorige jaren, zo ook dit jaar, dacht ons lid Roman R. uit het Italiaanse Vinschgau-dal aan ons. Terwijl hij vroeger appels doneerde voor verkoop op de kerstmarkt, schonk hij dit jaar appelsap van een nieuw geplante appelsoort. Het werd niet geperst uit gevallen fruit, maar uitsluitend uit geplukte appels van eigen productie. Het vruchtvlees van de nieuwe variëteit is rood en het is dan ook niet verwonderlijk dat ook het sap een roodachtige kleur heeft. En het appelsap smaakt net zo goed als het eruit ziet.
De opbrengst van de verkoop van het sap wordt geschonken aan de Organ Preservation Society, die zich onder meer bezighoudt met het behoud van de kerkmuziek, de verzorging en het onderhoud van onze historische orgels en de ondersteuning van het koor.
Wij danken ons lid met een welgemeend:
Grazie mille per la vostra generosa donazione!
De actieve leden van de Vereniging tot Behoud van het Orgel werken op vrijwillige basis.
Verdere informatie:
De Vinschgau vallei in Zuid-Tirol en zijn vakantiegebieden
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Neuhausen auf den Fildern, den 24.11.2021
Dr. Helmut Thomas Eisele
- Voorzitter -
Diesen Text auf Deutsch, bitte diesen Link klicken:
Apfelsaft aus Südtirol für den Orgelförderkreis gespendet
A tonal symbiosis of special charm
After a long break, the Neuhaus organ concerts are back with sounding treasures. The listening pleasure was guaranteed.
By Rainer Kellmayer
With Hans-Georg Kramer (treble viole) and Ingelore Schubert on the organ positive, proven experts for early music gave their guest appearances at the concert matinee "Silberton" in the Neuhausen parish church of St. Peter and Paul. Both have taught at conservatories for decades, and with their Marais Consort, based in Wedel, Schleswig-Holstein, they tour churches and concert halls. But why was the program titled "Silver Tone"? In his expert moderation, Hans-Georg Kramer clarified: "Silberton" was the name given to the instruments of the famous Austrian violin maker Jakob Stainer, which are still considered the epitome of baroque tonal beauty today. And since Kramer played on a treble violin that had been copied from Stainer's model by the instrument maker Christian Brosse, the circle was complete.
Kramer elicited magical sounds from this precious instrument, which has frets on the fingerboard like a guitar and is held between the knees like a cello. In an early Baroque passacaglio by Biagio Marini, the fine string tones unfolded wonderfully in the reverberant acoustics of the Filderdom. Despite the tonal contrast to the organ positive by Hieronymus Spiegel, 1762, virtuously played by Ingelore Schubert, the viola and organ tones combined to form an interesting tonal symbiosis of particular charm. This successful musical partnership also left its mark on Renaissance compositions by John Dowland and Anthony Holborne: The brilliance of the fast movements breathed a dancing lightness. At the same time, the notes bounced almost weightlessly, and each section was colored with independent color.
Concise articulation and stylish phrasing were particularly impressive in a sequence of movements by William Brade - musical parameters that also gave profile to an early Baroque suite by Heinrich Schmelzer. Ingelore Schubert and Hans-Georg Kramer implemented the musical text with precise tonal approaches and tautly drawn melodic lines, following the baroque principle of "music as speech": the musical statements were pointedly weighted, clear in their disposition and convincing in their tense realization.
Ingelore Schubert's organ solos were a tribute to the Dutch Renaissance master Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, whose 400th death anniversary was on October 16. Whether in his "Toccata in C", the variations on "Onder een linde Groen" or the virtuoso "Fantasia Chromatica" - in addition to a flawless mastery of the keyboard, the chains of notes set by the organist with striking selectivity were always impressive.
Schubert brought out everything that the organ positive with its few stops offers in terms of tonal variation: She colored in a differentiated way, thus setting the different. And in Sweelinck's "Malle Sijmen" she provided for loosely sparkling keyboard playing in a bright sound garment. When the baroque splendor of Jean Baptiste Lully's "Chaconne en Dialogue" from the musical tragedy "Phaeton" had faded away at the end of the program, there was enthusiastic applause in Neuhausen's parish church of St. Peter and Paul. Hans-Georg Kramer and Ingelore Schubert thanked the audience with a delightful musical candy from the treasure chest of the Viennese classical master Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Article from 20.10.2021 © Eßlinger Zeitung
Sounding treasures make Corona forgotten
With kind permission of the Esslinger Zeitung and Mr. Rainer Kellmayer.
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Une symbiose tonale au charme particulier
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Тональный симбиоз особого очарования
Sonorous compliments for the Walcker organ
Since the spring of 2020, church music at the parish church of St. Peter and Paul in Neuhausen has been on hold due to corona. Now there is to be a new start.
By Rainer Kellmayer; article from October 16. 2021
The program was set, the artists were already engaged - then Corona came: six concerts had to be canceled. "After this difficult time we are trying a new start in October," says church music director Markus Grohmann, who is responsible for sacred music at the Filderdom in Neuhausen. And he has prepared quite a bit.
For the start, there is an extraordinary sound experience: In a matinée concert on Sunday, October 17, at 11 a.m., members of the "Marais Consort" from Wedel, located in Schleswig-Holstein, which specializes in early music, will perform music from the Renaissance and early Baroque. Ingelore Schubert (organ positive) and Hans-Georg Kramer on the treble viol will perform works by John Dowland, William Brade and the Dutch composer Jan Pieterzoon Sweelinck.
There's a contrasting program on New Year's Eve. Together with the Uli Gutscher Jazz-Trio, the Ludwigsburg brass quintet will ring out the year 2021. "With this we continue the tradition of our New Year's Eve concerts, which has existed since 2004," Grohmann says. For him, the focus in planning is on variety in the lineups and stylistic diversity. Diversity is the focus of his planning. Again and again, he receives requests from organists and ensembles from all over Europe who would like to play in the Filderdom. There have even been applications from New Zealand and and the USA. The organizer attaches particular importance to the reputation of the performers. His credo: "The quality must be right." In addition, the two precious organs of the Neuhäuser parish church must be included in the programs.
The church musician attaches great importance to his own choirs. Therefore, in addition to a concert by the boys' choir "Capella Vocalis" from Reutlingen (March 27. 2022), a choir and orchestra concert is being planned for July 3, 2022. Then the church choir of St. Peter and Paul, which recently turned 80, will perform under Grohmann's direction the rarely heard Mass in D major by Otto Nicolai. An organ concert with the cathedral organist of Dijon, Maurice Clerc, is scheduled for May 15, 2022. And at the end of the year, the Ludwigsburg Brass Quintet with organist Martin Kaleschke will perform in the 2022 New Year's Eve concert at St. Peter's and St. Paul's.
Markus Grohmann is glad that church music is picking up speed again: "The pandemic was a difficult but also creative time for me." Since congregational singing has not been possible for a long time, he studied songs with a quartet of the church choir to musically enrich the services. In addition, as has always been customary for church musicians, he wrote music for his ensembles. "For the upcoming 50th anniversary of the youth singing circle, I composed songs in a modern sound and wrote the lyrics," says Grohmann. Currently, he is rehearsing with his choirs in a reduced lineup. He fears, however, that "not all of the choir choir members will return. Therefore, he hopes for new members.
The deanery church musician was particularly pleased to receive a visit from China: Professor Dan Wu, who teaches organ in Shanghai, visited the choir in the context of a cultural exchange with the Musikhochschule Stuttgart. The contact was made through Professor Ludger Lohmann, who has already played the organ in the Filderdom. "The Chinese colleague was enthusiastic about the instrument," Grohmann reports. Later, he received mail from China in which the organ's historical mechanics was particularly appreciated. Although the keyboard is very difficult to play, Professor Wu wrote, the tonal possibilities of the Neuhäuser organ are ideal for romantic music. A more beautiful compliment cannot be made to an instrument.
The organs of the church
When the parish church of St. Peter and Paul was rebuilt in Neuhausen in 1851, it was clear: the "Filderdom" needed a large organ. The construction was entrusted to the organ builder Eberhard Friedrich Walcker, the most famous organ builder of that time, was commissioned with the construction. Subsequently, the organ, which was inaugurated in 1854, has been rebuilt several times. The most extensive restoration took place in 2004/2005. Of the 277 Walcker organs built worldwide, the organ in Neuhausen is the only one with the original cone-valve chest and tracker action still intact.
The positive organ, built in 1762 by Hieronymus Spiegel, originally stood in the Liebfrauen Chapel in Neuhausen. In 1977 the valuable instrument was was extensively restored and installed in the parish church in 1983. There the instrument, which can be heard again and again in concerts, is used as a choir organ.
Markus Grohmann appreciates the organs in the Filderdom very much.
Article from October 16. 2021 © Eßlinger Zeitung
With kind permission of the Esslinger Zeitung and Mr. Rainer Kellmayer.
New start of the concert series "Neuhauser Orgel Konzerte" after Corona forced break
After almost two years of forced break due to corona, we are pleased to finally invite you again to our next concert within the concert series "Neuhauser Orgel Konzerte" in the parish church St. Petrus and Paulus in Neuhausen auf den Fildern.
The concert will take place on Sunday, October 17, at 11:00 am.
Soloists from the "Marais Consort" from Wedel in Schleswig-Holstein will perform. These are Ingelore Schubert, organ positive and Hans-Georg Kramer, treble Viole with works by Biagio Marini, John Dowland, Anthony Holborne, Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, William Brade, Heinrich Schmelzer, Jean Baptiste Lylly and others. Ms. Schubert will play on our organ positive by Hieronymus Spiegel, which has been built in Rottenburg am Neckar in 1762.
Two examples of a viola da gamba (small treble) (pardessus de viole) from the Germanisches National Museum can be found here:
Treble viole from France, 18th century.
Treble viole by Michel Colichon from Paris, France, end of 17th century.
A short excerpt from their homepage:
“For the musicians it is all about the strong effect of the unadulteratedly original. Again and again the base for musical experiments arises from different sources. This includes the choice of the instruments. Copies of Italian instruments of the late renaissance are used which are made in close cooperation with the luthier Christian Brosse. Not without reason the press repeatedly attests the Marias Consort an incomparable, fine subtly differentiated, in delicate, warm colours iridescent and clearly contoured transparent sound. According to the Süddeutsche Zeitung for example."
Tickets for the concert with the Marais Consort can be purchased at the box office at a price of 12,- € and reduced 10,- €.
Information on the purchase of tickets under the current conditions:
Since September 15, 2021, there is a new Corona regulation of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart.
For concert events, the following main points apply:
Subject to change without notice!
With these measures we protect you and our volunteers, without whom the concert would not be possible.
We would be very pleased about your concert visit!
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, updated on October, 5 2021
A professor from China visits the E.F.Walcker organ Neuhausen
The "Conservatory of Music Shanghai" already exists since 1927
Two visitors from China recently visited the organ in the parish church of Neuhausen:
Prof. Ms. Dan Wu from Shanghai and student Ms. Kexin Ke, both guests in Stuttgart in the context of a cultural exchange with the Stuttgart Conservatory of Music, were enthusiastic about the sound and the original tracker action of the Walcker organ from 1854, especially when interpreting works by German composers of the organ romantic period, such as Robert Schumann.
Professor Wu teaches at the "Conservatory of Music Shanghai", whose foundation by Cai Yuanpei dates back to 1927. The director of this first conservatory in the Far East was the musician Dr. Xiao Youmei from Shanghai. He had previously studied in Germany at the "Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Leipzig Conservatory". In the 1920s, this institute owned an important Walcker organ from 1887, which was pioneering in sound and of great significance. Later, the instrument was first rebuilt and then completely destroyed during World War II. It was not until 2002 that the concert hall of the Leipzig Academy of Music received an adequate organ again, built by the Hermann Eule company of Bautzen.
At the end of their studies on the Walcker organ Neuhausen, the two organists from Shanghai wrote down their impressions in a few sentences: "Beautiful sound. But a little bit heavy keybord for me. But it doesn't matter...for Schumann it's perfect. The stops of 8' are very light and warm. And for the romantic music it was fantastic experience here. Thank you very much!"
Church Music Director Markus Grohmann
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, October 04, 2021
-State certified music teacher-
Для русского языка, пожалуйста, перейдите по этой ссылке:
Профессор из Китая посетил орган Э.Ф. Валькера в Нойхаузене
En langue francais, svp suivre ce lien:
Un professeur chinois visite l'orgue E.F. Walcker à Neuhausen
The sound of the E.F.Walcker-Organ in Neuhausen - exported to the Free State of Saxony
The restoration of the E.F. Walcker organ built 1876 in Zwickau-Planitz leads organ builders to Neuhausen.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic already since March 2020 all choir and organ recitals had to be cancelled in the parish church St. Peter and Paulus. Nobody can predict when the series of the "Neuhauser organ recitals" may start again. Our E.F. Walcker organ built in 1854 nevertheless shows itself as a cultural focal point and as a place for technical exchange as well. This is possible under the compliance with the Corona rules. The original cone chest mechanics and Walcker's sound concept are the main reasons why regularly professors, students, church musician and primarily also organ builders from different countries find their way to the parish church in Neuhausen. Organ builders from the company Hermann Eule in Bautzen, Saxony have been present recently to measure a number of organ pipes in difficult work. It has been all about the measurement of the so-called mensurations. The mensuration is the proportion of the sounding pipe length to pipe diameter. With these procedure it is possible, to exactly copy the pipes in the workshop. The desired sound of the so measured organ pipes is thus also copied.
At present the Eberhard-Friedrich Walcker-Organ built in 1876 is restored in the Lukaskirche in Zwickau-Planitz with great effort. Only four instruments out of originally twenty Walcker-Organs still do exist in Saxony. The organ has been fairly often altered and adapted to the prevailing taste in the course of the time. The alterations during the 1960's however played a heavy, negative role. The organ in Zwickau-Planitz has 31 organ stops, and thus almost exactly corresponds to our organ which has 32 stops. Among other things the flute 8´ must be reconstructed - a register, which attracts attention by its soft, extremely full of character sound in Neuhausen. Concerning the reconstruction of the new console for Zwickau-Planitz the measures of the still original console in Neuhausen also played a important role.
The renovated organ of the Lukaskirche shall be solemnly reinaugurated in November this year. The inauguration concert will be given by Samuel Kummer, organist at the Frauenkirche Dresden and assistant professor at the college of music Dresden. It will for certain be a great pleasure to at opportunity hear the sound copy of the organ stop from Neuhausen in the organ in Zwickau-Planitz.
Photos: Lukas Church Zwickau-Planitz around 1920 by a kind authorization of the sponsoring association of the Lukaskirche Zwickau Planitz
The organ builders from Bautzen when measuring the pipes in Neuhausen.
(Photos # 19, 20 and 21 in the picture credits)
For further informations concerning the Eberhard Friedrich Walcker organ 1876 pls click this link
Förderverein der Lukaskirche Planitz e.V.
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, updated on May, 11th 2021
Prospect for the series of concerts 2021
Dear friends of the organ and church music!
An eventful year came to an end. It has surprised us with a pandemic, that nobody would have been able to imagine this before. in the consequence we were forced to shut down all activities of the organ promoting circle. The refusals of our organ and choral concerts were, however, particularly painful for us.
We look full of hope and courageously towards the year 2021. The series of concerts 2021 is prepared and we will announce them "under reservation". This is necessary as nobody can confirm today that there will not be a third Corona wave followed by renewed heavy restrictions at the now planned concert dates.
We thank you, that you have remained faithful to us in this hard time and thus support the cultural wealth "church music"!
Preview on the programme of the church music 2021
in the Parish Church Neuhausen auf den Fildern
- Subject to alteration -
Sunday, March 14th, 6 p.m.: Organ recital
with works of Marcello, Telemann, Alain, Tournemire and others.
Executing: Titular organist Maurice Clerc,
Dijon, France
- organ recital cancelled -
Sunday, June 27th, 6 p.m.: Choral concert (Admission free )
Songs of the ecclesiastical year of different style eras - from the Gregorian chants up to the new hymn
Executing: Church choir St. Peter and Paul Neuhausen
Direction: Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann
- Choir recital cancelled -
Sunday, October 17th, 6 p.m.: Matinée concert
with works of Martini, Telemann, Haydn, Purcell, Withy and others.
Executing: Musicians of the Marias Consort
Ingelore Schubert, organ positive
Hans-Georg Kramer, treble violin
Friday, December 31st, 4 p.m.:
Festive New Year's Eve concert "in Classic and Jazz".
Performed by: the Ludwigsburg BlechbläserQuintett. (brass player quintet) and the Uli Gutscher Jazz Trio (Stuttgart)
- recital cancelled -
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, January, 13th 2021
Kirchenmusikdirektor Markus Grohmann
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, 13. Januar 2021
-Staatlich geprüfter Musiklehrer-
- Einrichtungstleiter Kirchenmusik Dekanat Esslingen-Nürtingen –
Директор музыкальной церкви Маркус Громанн,
Neuhausen / Filder, дипломированный преподаватель музыки,
специалист отдела деканата церковной музыки г. Эсслинген.
Our “virtual” video store of concert recordings and
organ presentations of the historical E.F. Walcker organ (1854)
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic our concerts are cancelled for the time being. We therefore offer you a small insight into the sonic world of our organs over our video store in YouTube*.
Video recordings from the morning performance 2019 with
Prof. Dr. Frantisek Vanicek
Our organ morning performance took place on Sunday, September 29th, 2019. Interpreter was Prof. Dr. Frantisek Vanicek, dean of the University of Hradec Králové in Czechia.
The programme contained 3 musical blocks. In the first block works from the baroque period resounded, played on the organ positive built by Hieronymus Spiegel built in the year 1762. Works of German composers could be heard in the second block.
Works of modern Czech composers resounded in the third part.
They were played on the Eberhard Friedrich Walcker organ built in the year 1854.
Video recordings from the |
To watch pls click these YouTube*-links |
Andrea Gabrieli |
C. von der Hoven |
G. Frescobaldi |
Video recordings from the |
To watch pls click these YouTube*-links |
Nicolaus Bruhns |
Dieterich Buxtehude |
Johann Sebastian Bach |
Johann Sebastian Bach |
Johann Sebastian Bach |
Johannes Brahms |
Bohuslav Martinu |
Jiri Strejc |
Zugabe / the Encore |
Video recordings from the concert for brass players and
organ of May 19th, 2019.
We once again have been pleased about an excellent concert on Sunday, May 19th, 2019.
The interpreters have been the quartet of the Ludwigsburg festival orchestra under the management of Hubert Hegele and cathedral organist Johannes Mayr from Stuttgart
Video recordings and |
To watch pls click these YouTube*-links |
Nicolas Guy |
Giovanni Gabrieli |
Hans Leo Hassler |
Hans Leo Hassler |
Anton Bruckner |
Folke Rabe |
Johannes Mayr |
Johann Sebastian Bach |
Kazimierz Serocki |
Freddie Mercury |
Video recordings from the
organ recital April 2019 with
Dr. Michal Markuszewski
from Warsaw, Poland
Presentation of the Eberhard Friedrich Walker-Organ (1854) in Neuhausen auf den Fildern and a free improvisation on the Eberhard Friedrich Walker-Organ (1854) in Neuhausen auf den Fildern.
Video recordings from April 06. 2019 |
To watch pls click these YouTube*-links |
Vorführung der Eberhard Friedrich Walcker Orgel, |
Freie Improvisation auf der Eberhard Friedrich Walcker Orgel, opus 126 gebaut 1854 |
Here part of his concert programme on April 07. 2019:
Part of his concert programme |
To watch pls click these YouTube*-links |
Michal Markuszewski |
Claude Balbastre |
Alfred Hollins |
Alexandre Pierre Francois Boely |
Joseph Gabriel Rheinberger |
Louis Vierne |
Michal Markuszewski |
Aus dem Orgelkonzert 2012 |
Niels Wilhelm Gade |
Michal Markuszewski |
Video recordings from Prof. Janette Fishell 2015
from the Indiana University in Bloomington, USA, she plays
Robert Schumann and Dudley Buck
After her organ recital in Mai 2015 in the Parish Church St. Peter and Paul in Neuhausen auf den Fildern, Prof. Fishell gave a special concert for us for the YouTube community. It has not only been a recital but even more a demonstration of our Eberhard Friedrich Walcker organ. She plays works from Robert Schumann, “Studien für den Pedalflügel op. 56”, and from Dudley Buck the Concert variations on the “The star-spangled banner, Op. 23.” Many american organists of those time studied in Germany and England. This means, that the american organ composers were strongly influenced by German composers like Rheinberger and Max Reger. Prof. Janette Fishell shows an demonstrates the interlinks between German and American composers at this time.
The famous Eberhard Friedrich Walcker organ has been built in 1854 in Ludwigsburg. The organ builder Eberhard Friedrich Walcker used the cone-valve chest technology for building very large organs all over the world. Besides others, the first concert organ in the USA has been shipped from Ludwigsburg to Boston in 1863 already .
We gratefully thank Prof. Fishell for playing an demonstrating our organ for this YouTube recital!
Video recordings from the Eberhard Friedrich Walcker Orgel, built 1854 |
To watch pls click this YouTube*-link |
Robert Schumann: Studien für den Pedalflügel |
Trademarks: “YouTube” is a trademark of Google Inc.
Our Eberhard Friedich Walcker organ also can be heard on our new CD. Three Echo Classic prize-winners played a part in it. The interpreters are the echo Classic prize-winners' Christian Schmidt, Tatjana Ruhland, solo flautist of the SWR symphony orchestra and Prof. Matthias Höfs, a member of " German Brass".
The price of the CD is 15,- € only!
Want a copy? Then send an e-mail to:
Dr. Helmut Thomas Eisele,
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, August, 01. 2020
You can download our new 2019 concert program for
the series of the
Neuhauser Orgel Konzerte
on this link as a PDF-file !
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, on Christmas Day 2018
Invitation to the the organ matinée
We cordially invite you to our next concert in the context of the series of the "Neuhauser organ concerts" into the parish church St. Peter and Paulus in Neuhausen auf den Fildern. The concert, a matinée, will take place on Sunday, September 29th, 2019 at 11:00 am.
The interpreter of the concert will be Prof. Dr. Frantisek Vanicek. He is a dean of the University of Hradec Králové from Hradec Kralove in Czechia.
The matinée will last for a good hour so that you have a planning variable for the remaining time of the Sunday. After the matinée there will be a champagne reception. With a glass of champagne and stimulating conversations you can let the concert linger on.
Frantisek Vanicek (born in 1969) studied at the conservatory in Pardubice (at J. Rafaja) and at the academy of the fine arts arts in Prague (at J. Hora). He continued its further studies at the art academy in Utrecht. In 1991 he won the second price at the Albert Schweitzer - organ competition in the Dutch Deventer. The international jury highly valued this recital. In the same year the Czech music fund gave him the prestige price premier Prix for its foreign performance.
Since 1989 he gave more than 1,200 organ solo concerts which primarily led him abroad (e.g. Japan, USA, Australia, Singapoure, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Slovakia etc.). Most of his concerts he however gave in the Netherlands.
It also was an affair of the heart for him, to fulfil a humanitarian mission here with a charity concert which has been organized in favour of the victims of the high water in 1997. The audience and the criticism valued his "excellent and brightly self-controlled organ-play" (De Orgelvriend), "the outstanding artist" (Corriger di Torino), "fascinating organ-playing" (Frankfurt New Press), or "organ music in perfection" (PNP Passau).
Since 1995 he teaches the subject "organ-playing" at Hradec Kralové university.
Further informations about Prof. Dr. Frantisek Vanicek can be found under the link:
At the organ Matinèe in Neuhausen, besides the romantic Eberhard Friedrich Walcker organ (Ludwigsburg, 1854) also the organ positive from the baroque period made by Hieronymus Spiegel (Rottenburg at the Neckar, 1762) will be heared .
On the Spiegel organ works will resound from A. Gabrieli, C. von der Hoven and G. Frescobaldi.
On the E.F. Walcker organ he will play works written by N. Bruhn, D. Buxtehude, J.S. Bach, J. Brahms, B. Martinu and J. Streijc.
We would be very pleased about your concert going!
Our ticket sales:
at the box office:
- tickets at the normal price 12,- € and
- tickets at the reduced price 10,- €
You are welcome to order tickets in advance by e-mail.
To do so simply send your ticket wishes to the following e-mail address:
Music Markus Grohmann, Director of the Sacred Music
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, August 31st., 2019
Invitation to the Recital for Brass Players and Organ
We cordially invite you to our next concert in the context of the series of the "Neuhauser organ concerts" into the parish church St. Peter and Paulus in Neuhausen auf den Fildern. The concert will take place on Sunday, May 19th, at 18:00 pm.
The interpreters of the concert will be the Trombone Quartet of the Ludwigsburg Festival Orchestra and cathedral organist Johannes Mair from Stuttgart.
Since 2010 musicians of the Ludwigsburg Festival Orchestra and selected guests, comming from different chamber music formations, came together in order to present the audience stirring works away from the symphonic repertoire.
For the season 2016, for the first time, the formation of a trombone quartet consisting of excellent interpreters became reality. Since years they have important positions in the music landscape.
Tobias Burgelin is member of the quartet since 2001 and solo trombonist in the SWR Symphony Orchestra Stuttgart and Freiburg.
His orchestra colleague Andreas Kraft plays at his side. He is a professor for trombone at the Music University in Würzburg .
Michael Preuser from Stuttgart teaches at the State University for Music and Performing Arts in Mannheim and plays in orchestras like the Stuttgart Philharmonic. He is employed at the musical theatre in Stuttgart in the production of " The Hunchback of Notre Dame ".
The fourth one in the league is Hubert Hegele. He is teacher at the municipal school of music in Ludwigsburg as well as teacher at the Music College in Schwäbisch Gmünd. Since more than 30 years he is member of the Ludwigsburg Festival Orchestra as bass trombonist and furthermore he also works as a free employee at the State Opera Stuttgart and at the musical production " The Hunchback of Notre Dame " in Stuttgart.
In the recital in Neuhausen Cathedral Organist Johannes Mayr from Stuttgart will play the historical E.F. Walcker-Organ built in 1854. Mayr is well-known as a gifted extemporary improviser and has already fairly often impressively played the Walcker Organ in Neuhausen.
Works for brass players and organ by Giovanni Gabrieli, Leo Hassler, Johann Sebastian Bach, Anton Bruckner, Rabe, Serocki, Armitage and other composers will resound.
We would be very pleased about your concert going!
Our ticket sales:
at the box office:
- tickets at the normal price 14,- € and
- tickets at the reduced price 12,- €
You are welcome to order tickets in advance by e-mail.
To do so simply send your ticket wishes to the following e-mail address:
Music Markus Grohmann, Director of the Sacred Music
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, April 28th., 2019
Invitation to the Organ Recital with
Dr. Markuszewski from Warsaw - Poland
We cordially invite you to our next organ concert with Dr. Markuszewski, from Warsaw.
The concert will start in the parish church St. Peter and Paul on Sunday April 07th at 18:00 pm.
At the organ concert works will be heard written by the composers Rheinberger, Liszt, Franck, Vierne as well as his own improvisations.
Dr. Markuszewski is for us in good memory. He gave an excellent concert with great success in Neuhausen already in March 2012!
We would be very pleased about your concert going!
Our ticket sales:
at the box office:
- tickets at the normal price 12,- € and
- tickets at the reduced price 10,- €
You are welcome to order tickets in advance by e-mail.
To do so simply send your ticket wishes to the following e-mail address:
Music Markus Grohmann, Director of the Sacred Music
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, January 11th., 2019
Invitation to our annual meeting
The annual meeting of the Organ Promoting Circle will be held in the big hall of the parish community center on Wednesday, March 20th, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. All members and interested friends of organ music are cordially invited to come.
Markus Grohmann, Director of the Sacred Music, Neuhausen February 03. 2019
Invitation to the "festive New Year's Eve concert in Classic and Jazz”
We cordially invite you to our "festive New Year's Eve concert in Classic and jazz" which meanwhile become already a tradition.
The performers will be the Ludwigsburg Brass Player Quintet conducted by Prof. Hubertus von Stackelberg, the Prof. Uli Gutscher Jazz-Trio from Stuttgart and Cantor Martin Kaleschke, organ, from Ludwigsburg.
For the third time in our series of concerts the this year's Neuhauser New Year's Eve concert offers classic but primarily also modern accents to variants of classical music. Festive music of different style eras and jazz variations will resound.
The Parish Church St. Peter and Paul will be opened at 3:15 pm
The concert will start at 4:00 pm
Normal price of 14 €
Reduced price of 12 €
The advance booking offices:
At the box office/box-office or via e-mail:
Markus Grohmann, Director of the Sacred Music
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, December 30st., 2018
You can download our new 2018 concert program for the
series of the Neuhauser Orgel Konzerte
on this link as a PDF-file !
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, on Christmas Day 2017
poster sponsored by Balluff GmbH
Balluff GmbH
Schurwaldstrasse 9
D-73765 Neuhausen a.d.F.
Your committed partner for innovative automation solutions
Passionate organ recital on the
Eberhard Friedrich Walcker organ in Neuhausen
Jan Dolezel (*1984 in Plzen) is appreciated similarly by audience and specialist criticism for his sovereign control of the instrument, his art of registering and his distinctive kind to play the organ. Forming musical tension with his ability and with its sense of drama he repeatedly has filled the audience with enthusiasm in several European countries. (Photo # 2 in the picture credits). Jan Dolezel puts great value in his intensive concert career on performances of meaningful and seldom performed compositions. Broader characteristics of his concerts are programmes and performances of effectively arranged whole cyclical works .
As expect he arranged his concert programme in Neuhausen very varied. (On the right on photo # 3 in the picture credits)
The recital started with a chorale prelude „Wir glauben all an einen Gott“ by the German composer Heinrich Kaminski (1886-1946) fallen into oblivion. Kaminski has been a close friend of the painter Franz Marc. He lived for a long time in upper Swabia in todays’s Baden-Wuerttemberg where the family Marc also provided him a composing cottage of its own in the garden.
Kaminski found a tone language of his own at the end of the retarded Romanticism. Dolezel executed the piece in a clear expression. Opposite to romantic "tone carpets" which filled the echo-like church room the Cantus firmus considerably was leading by a skilful election of the stops. The same applied to the 2nd chorale prelude about "Vater unser im Himmelreich" which resounded later.
The next piece was the preledude A-minor by Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904).
The short prelude was part of Dvorák's degree collection in the subject composition at the Prague conservatory in 1859. Jan Dolezel executed the piece by using the clarinet 8 ". The tone of this register reminds of the accordion. Today, it can be only seldom found inSkizze organs.
Robert Schumann Skizzen für den Pedalflügel op.58
(1810-1856) I. Nicht schnell und sehr markiert
II. Nicht schnell und sehr markiert.
III. Lebhaft
IV. Allegretto
With the "sketches" Dolezel played the probably most popular parts of Robert Schumann's organ-works. The first two pieces started in a Staccato which made us listen attentively. To be able to achieve this special effect of the articulation, Dolezel played without the so-called "Eule-Barker machine" of the organ. These facility takes over a part of the necessary forces when playing the organ (like a kind of power steering in the car). The "marked" way of playing therefore provided a tonal clarity, connected with a strong expression. (photo # 4 in the picture credits)
The further movements of the brilliant Schumann's organ work resounded with the same musical care in dynamics, articulation and registration.
The advanced baroque variations of Johann Ulrich Steigleder (1593-1635) about..."dass Vatter unser" showed another part of ingenious registration and sensitive expression.
A quiet "adagio G minor" by Leos Janacek (1854-1928) prepared the audience for the musical highlight of the evening:
Josef Klicka´s (1855-1937) Konzertfantasie über den St.Wenzel Choral op.65,
dedicated to Camille Saint-Saens.
With this work seldom put on concert programs Jan Dolezel showed his skill and passion once again. He knew how to make use of the tones of the Eberhard Friedrich Walcker organ brilliantly. For the audience this was clear to feel.
The concert audience in Neuhausen appeared enthusiastic and rewarded Jan Dolezel with a long thundering applause.
Markus Grohmann, Director of the Sacred Music
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, October 31st., 2018
Invitation to the Organ Recital with Giorgio Parolini
from Milan - Italy
We cordially invite you to our next organ concert with Giorgio Parolini from Milan. The concert will start in the parish church St. Peter and Paul on Sunday March 18th at 18:00 pm.
Giorgio Parolini could already be heard in Neuhausen in 2008. (See photo). At that time the newspaper the "Esslinger Zeitung" has been enthused about "tones of the early baroque style and boldnesses". The music critic could report of "ovations for the organist from Milan in the parish church St. Peter and Paulus".
We may therefore look forward to an interesting concert!
At the organ concert works will be able to be heard written by the composers Cavazzioni, Reger, Schumann, Rheinberger and Lemmens.
We would be very pleased about your concert going!
Our ticket sales:
at the box office:
- tickets at the normal price 12,- € and
- tickets at the reduced price 10,- €
You are welcome to order tickets in advance by e-mail.
To do so very simply send your ticket wishes to the following e-mail address:
Music Markus Grohmann, Director of the Sacred Music
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, February 4th., 2018
Echo Award Winner Christian Schmitt made a CD
on the Walcker Organ
Organ matinée with toccata
By Elke Eberle
Within the next months Christian Schmitt will give concerts in Vienna, Moscow and Berlin. Last Sunday he made a guest appearance in the context of an organ matinée in Neuhausen. He played on the Walcker organ as well as on the Spiegel organ and demonstrated the unique sound spectrum of both organs, played solos and accompanied the solo flautist at the radio symphony orchestra Stuttgart, Tatjana Ruhland. And he presented a CD produced newly with a musical spectrum extended from "the moon has risen" by Wolf Kerschek up to Johann Sebastian Bachs toccata and fugue in D flat minor.
"Doesn't our organ sound fantastic - Christian Schmitt plays fantastically either ", said the Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann. Christian Schmitt had asked, whether he might look in some day. He discovered "open doors" and an idea became reality. "It culminates in the presentation of the CD" today, so Markus Grohmann explained. He has tried to capture the unusual features and the character of both organs on the CD. "The key weight is important to an organist. It is 30 grams at the Spiegel Organ at the Walcker Organ 300. This is exhausting but this is all that attraction is about", so Schmitt. Grohmann as well gave a short digression about the two organs.
The Hieronymus-Spiegel organ has been built in 1762 in Rottenburg at the Neckar river. In color it has been "changed again and again, however, mechanics and touch are original. This makes it so valuable", so Grohmann. Concerning the about 100 years younger Eberhard-Friedrich-Walcker organ, the mechanics also remained unchanged in the original state. Through this it is hard to play. But "one also can really let it rip", so Grohmann. Schmitt softly accompanied flautist Tatjana Ruhland at the melodious sonata in D major by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. However, he then really let it rip at Johann Sebastian Bachs toccata and fugue in D flat minor. “The concert today is a clipping from the CD. There are encores on the CD however”, so Schmitt. They are absolutely worth listening to. The spectrum of the different atmospheres that Schmitt conjured in the church this morning extended from dramatically gloomy till bright and raised, from powerfully dynamically till playfully soft.
Informations about the CD:
Manfred Deppe has been responsible for the audio recording.
Stop puller was Kristina Vilotseva.
The organisation lay in the hands of KMD Markus Grohmann and Helmut Eisele.
From the Official Bulletin of the municipality of Neuhausen auf den Fildern,
Number 4 of January 25th, 2018
By a kind approval of Mrs Elke Eberle
Merry Christmas !
We wish all members of the Neuhausen Organ Society Neuhausen and all friends of the Musica Sacra and all donators a Merry Christmas!
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, on Christmas Day 2017
You can dowload our new 2017 concert program for the
series of the Neuhauser Orgel Konzerte
on this link as a PDF-file !
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, on Pentecost 2017
Invitation to the organ matinée an the presentation of
the new CD "Walcker organ Neuhausen"
Right at the beginning of the new year we cordially invite you to our organ matinée and to the presentation of our first CD "Walcker organ Neuhausen".
The ECHO Award Winner Christian Schmitt, organ, and Tatjana Ruhland, flute, will be heard.
After the recital both artists are going to introduce the new CD and will also be available for autographs.
With this concert our concert year 2018 will start on Sunday, January 21st, at 11:00 am.
ECHO Award Winner Christian Schmitt is regarded as one of the most charismatic and most virtuoso concert organists of the present age. He is pretty much asked internationally as soloist as well as accompanyist. He regularly gives concerts with well-known conductors and soloists like Sir Simon Rattle, Phillipe Herreweghe, Manfred Honeck, Magdalena Kožena, Juliane Banse or Michael Volle.
His engagements regularly lead him into important play locations like the Berlin Philharmonia, the Hamburg Elbe Philharmonia, the Viennese Music Club, the Cologne Philharmonia, the Concert Hall Zurich, the Leipzig Gewandhaus, the Viennese Concert Hall, the concert hall of the Mariinsky Theatre St. Petersburg, the Melbourne Town Hall, or the Shanghai Oriental Arts Center.
As a soloist he plays instrument with renowned orchestras like the Berlin members of the philharmonia, the Camerata Salzburg, the NDR symphony orchestra, the radio symphony orchestra Berlin, the WDR symphony orchestra, the ORF radio symphony orchestra Vienna.
The flautist Tatjana Ruhland was born in Regensburg in 1972. At the latest since her debut in New York Carnegie Hall she counts as one of the most distinguished representatives of her instrument. Mrs Ruhland has been educated in Munich and New York.
At several international competitions she received awards.
As soloist, chamber musician and educationalist Tatjana Ruhland is very successful. Highlights of the latest time had been performances at renowned festivals like the Heidelberger Frühling and the Bachwoche Ansbach.
Further highlights were a recital at the festival of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Flöte as well as the chairmanship in the jury for flute and oboe at the Deutschen Musikwettbewerb.
As a solo flautist of the SWR symphony orchestra and as guest of further radio orchestras she among others had performances in concerts in the Suntory Hall Tokio, the Concertgebouw Amsterdam, the Londoner Royal Albert Hall, the philharmonia and the Konzerthaus Berlin, the Musikverein and Konzerthaus Wien as well as the Tonhalle Zürich.
At the organ matinée Works from Bach, Liszt and Merkel will be able to be heard.
Following the matinée Mr Schmitt and Mrs Ruhland will be available for answering questions and will also give an autographing session.
At the same day you can of course purchase the first CD of the "Organ Promoting Circle Neuhausen" at a price of 15. €.
The photos above give an impression of the effortful CD audio recordings under the management of sound engineer and sound mixer Manfred Deppe.
The performers will be:
ECHO Award Winner Christian Schmitt, organ
Tatjana Ruhland, flute
Looking forward to welcome you in the concert!
Our ticket sales at the box office:
Tickets at the normal price 12,- € and
Tickets at the reduced price 10,- €
Markus Grohmann, Director of the Sacred Music
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, January 7th., 2018
Invitation to the recital with the ensemble OPUS 4 with
trombonists of the Orchestra of the Gewandhaus Leipzig and
town organist Denny Wilke
We cordially invite you to our next concert of the series of concerts "Neuhauser organ concerts".
It will take place in the parish church St. Peter and Paulus in Neuhausen auf den Fildern on Sunday, October 15th at 18:00 clock.
We are pleased to be able to announce the ensembe OPUS 4 with trombonists of the orchestra of the Gewandhaus in Leipzig and city organist Denny Wilke.
The trombone quartet OPUS 4 with trombonists of the Gewandhausorchesters Leipzig has been founded in 1994. Today the ensemble consists of Jörg Richter and Dirk Lehmann of the Gewandhaus Leipzig. Stephan Meiner is freelance musician and Wolfram Kuhnt works as bass trombonist at the Staatskapelle Halle.
In 2004, the trombone quartet OPUS 4 celebrated its 10th anniversary.
In the recital works from Johann Sebastian Bach, Charpentier, Des Pres, Selle, Hassler, Schütz, Gabrieli, Walther and from other composers will played.
It ist worth mentioning that works by Bernhard Krol (1920-2013) will be performed as well. Krol lived in the neighbouring city Ostfildern-Kemnat and he worked for decades as a professor for horn and French horn in Stuttgart and as a composer.
Three pieces by Krol will be heared:
The extensive repertoire of the ensemble covers wind music from five centuries. On the programme will be premieres and first-night performances of compositions as well as original compositions from the renaissance and baroque time. Compositions especially written for for this ensemble will round up their repertoire.
The performing musicians are:
Looking forward to welcome you in the concert.
Our ticket sales:
Tickets at the normal price 14,- € et
Tickets at the reduced price 12,- €
Our ticket agencies are :
Stationary Shop Knoblauch
Owner: Ludmilla Bahm
Dahlienweg 7
73765 Neuhausen a.d.F
Telephone-# : 07158 - 9549088
Volksbank Filder eG
Schlossplatz 13
73765 Neuhausen a.d.F
Numéro de téléphone : 07158 - 18 18-0
or our box office.
You can also reserve tickets by sending us an e-mail to the following adress:
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann, September, 16. 2017
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Long standing applause for Paul Rosoman
On July 9th, 2017 Paul Rosoman from Wellington, New Zealand, gave the opening concert after the long time of the renovation of the parish church St. Peter and Paul in Neuhausen auf den Fildern. During this time the E.F. Walcker Organ had to be silent for approximately one year. The reason for this was that it completely has been packed into a large box in order to prevent it from damages caused by dust.
In his adress of welcome parish priest Kirsch expressed his joy that the time of the rest over is now and the church can be seen in a new and beautiful garment. Under the numerous guests he also could welcome our mayor Ingo Hacker with his wife and the Parliamentary State Secretary Markus Grübel and his wife.
The programme designed Paul Rosoman very varied. To disprove the assertion the organ works writtens by Johann Sebastian Bach would not be well reproducable on a romantic Walcker Organ he did start with exactly this composer. Just after his arrival in Neuhausen he took much time in order to find out the stereoscopic sound of the parish church and to study the tonal variety of the stops of the organ. This procedure paid off. At first he played works written by Johann Sebastian Bach, i.e. fantasia and fugue in G minor BWV 542, followed by the Ciacona in f minor by Johann Pachelbel where his seldom to be heard interpretation made the audience listen attentively. Rosoman played Bach's work, primarily the fugue, in a speed adequate to the long echo so that is has been possible to enjoy the cue of all themes.
Less known works followed, these however all the more fitted to the tone of the Walcker organ. A full organ plenum could be heard from Théodore Salomé titled "grand Choeur" in A major. And after this composition the “6 variations about a topic from Corelli Op. 5” from Johann Christian Heinrich Rinck followed. Paul Rosoman introduced the theme quietly and behave using stopped pipes and principal 2" and 4". The skilfully used tone colours of the Walcker organ little by little raised themselves into the crescendo which ended in an excellent finale. After that it got serious and meditative. Charles Hubert Hastings Parry's "Elegy for 7th April 1913" arose for the memory of the day of death of the brother-in-law of Parry which originated from the old nobility of the Earls of Pembroke. Taking up the underlying thought it started fine behave with fine soft string tones. The principals increased the expression and the theme was carried through the voices. Certain tone formations split up again and again. The voices finally led into the highest pitches, i.e. so to speak “into heaven”. From there they submerged slowly again and came back to the living beings, i.e. “back to earth". The piece ended in a long conciliatory tone. The end of the concert best suited to the 500th reformation year: the fantasia about the theme "Een vaste Burg is onze God" by Jan Zwart. With this work Paul Rosoman could build a bridge in his organ recital from the baroque period up to the modern times. He let the known hymn start strongly. In great variety the to most visitors well known Cantus Firmus of the Luther song could be heared. A long standing applause from the audience rewarded the interpreter.
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann, September, 15. 2017
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Invitation to the organ recital with Paul Rosoman,
Wellington, Newzealand
We cordially invite you to our next concert of the series of concerts "Neuhauser organ concerts".
It will take place in the parish church St. Peter and Paulus in Neuhausen auf den Fildern on Sunday, July 09th at 18:00 clock.
We are pleased to be able to announce an international guest for you. It is Paul Rosoman from Wellington, Newzealand.
On our Eberhard Friedrich Walcker organ he will play works from Johann Sebastian Bach, Johann Pachelbel, Théodore Salomé, Johann Christian Heinrich Rinck, Charles Hubert Hasings Parry und Jan Zwart.
An accomplished concert organist and accompanist, Paul Rosoman has performed in venues all over the world and is also Director of Music at St Luke’s Anglican Church, Wellington. Paul read music at Victoria University of Wellington and has collaborated with a number of ensembles, from the Pelorus Trust Wellington Brass Band and the Trust Porirua Brass Band, to the Festival Singers and the Linden Singers.
Paul is also a director of Bayard Limited, an artist and concert management company specialising in representing organists and is a regular contributor on the Radio New Zealand arts affairs programme, Upbeat. As a concert Organist he tours Europe every summer and his recent concert history includes performances in the United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark and The Netherlands.
Looking forward to welcome you in the concert.
Our ticket sales:
Tickets at the normal price 12,- € et
Tickets at the reduced price 10,- €
Our ticket agencies are :
Stationary Shop Knoblauch
Owner: Ludmilla Bahm
Dahlienweg 7
73765 Neuhausen a.d.F
Telephone-# : 07158 - 9549088
Volksbank Filder eG
Schlossplatz 13
73765 Neuhausen a.d.F
Numéro de téléphone : 07158 - 18 18-0
or our box office.
You can also reserve tickets by sending us an e-mail to the following adress:
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann, February, 21. 2017
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
You can dowload our new 2015 concert program for
the series of the
Neuhauser Orgel Konzerte
on this link as a PDF-file !
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, on New Years Day 2015
Invitation for the organ recital with Prof. Janette Fishell
from Indiana, USA
We cordially invite you to our next concert of the series of concerts "Neuhauser organ concerts".
It will take place in the parish church St. Peter and Paulus in Neuhausen auf den Fildern on Sunday, May 17th at 18:00 clock.
We are pleased to be able to announce an international guest for you. It is Prof. Janette Fishell from Indiana/the USA.
On our Eberhard Friedrich Walcker organ she will play works from Rheinberger, Schumann, Brahms, Paine, Smyth, Whitefield and Buck.
We look forward to your concert going.
Here the link to her web site:
Our ticket sales:
Tickets at the normal price 12,- € et
Tickets at the reduced price 10,- €
Our ticket agencies are :
Stationary Shop Knoblauch
Ludmilla Bahm
Dahlienweg 7
73765 Neuhausen a.d.F
Telephone-# : 07158 - 9549088
Volksbank Filder eG
Schlossplatz 13
73765 Neuhausen a.d.F
Numéro de téléphone : 07158 - 18 18-0
or our box office.
You can also reserve tickets by sending us an e-mail to the following adress:
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann, April, 10. 2015
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Report on the concert given by Balasz Szabó on October, 19. 2014.
"Man of the year" from Budapest was a brilliant interpret of
works by Reger on the Walcker organ.
The Neuhauser E.F. Walcker organ dated 1854 has a relatively sticky to move, originally preserved tracker action based on the cone-valve chest technology. To play dizziness causing works written by Max Reger on this organ, one must have a special affinity with this almost daring combination and also be a gifted virtuoso. Balász Szabó was born in Budapest in 1985. He is assistant professor for organ-playing at the Ferenc-Liszt university in Budapest. In a passionate concert he could demonstrate his passion for Walcker and Reger. Here the music of Reger finds, "in a certain qualified sense concerning the infinitely variable dynamics, its tonal native country, ", Szabó said at his interesting introduction before the concert. Szabó mentioned that in Neuhausen this "risk" can only be accepted with 2 well trained stop pullers. The stop pullers "must deliver the same performance like me". This was a nice and fair gesture towards the assistants of the concert. And there was really enormously much to do for them.
The concert started with Reger introduction and passacaglia from the 1st suite Op. 16. The massive introduction was followed by the passacaglia starting pianissimo. Here already the audience got familiar with the big tone colour pallet of the Walcker organ. The great end increase tied directly to the tutti of the introduction. Two quiet works written for organ followed.
The meditative piece of "Angelus" from Liszt and the piece "ave maris Stella" with in unison passages, long pauses and breaks really worked as prayers. The great echo of 5 seconds in the parish church contributed positively to the musical effect.
Works from the composer Alexandre-Pierre-François Boëly (1785-1858, Paris) can be seldom heard. From Boëly then the "Fantasie et Fugue Op.18 Nr.6" in the style of the late Viennese classical period could be heard. In unbelievable speed Balász Szabó swept over the keys of the organ which has approximately the same age like Boëlys Fantasie et Fugue.
Highlight of the concert has been Reger's fantasia about the chant of "Wie schön leucht'uns der Morgenstern" Op. 40 no. 1. The approximately 25-minute monumental works written for organ demanded full concentration from the organist, the assistants, but also from the audience, ("the morning star" mentioned by organists simply and respectfully). Reger has an inimitable, extremely change dynamic tone language. By cunningly playing whole passages in the octave on the manuals Szabó optimally made full use of the sound of the organ. The organ tone was suffused in the church room until end of the excellent work. In this way one can seldom hear it.
After the end of the final chord a long, cliff-hanging pause lay in the air. A great applause then however expressed the enthusiasm about this young organ virtuoso.
Here you can read more on Balasz Szabó:
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann, February, 11. 2015
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Champagne reception at the
New Years Reception 2015 of the CDU Neuhausen.
Already in January, we accepted the invitation of the CDU local committee Neuhausen to take over the champagne reception at the end of the New Years Reception 2015 of the CDU Neuhausen, held on Thursday February 2. 2015
Like already in the years before we could serve our organ champagne to the invited guests.
Dr. Nicola Schelling, regional director of the association region Stuttgart, spoke to the topic:
"The region Stuttgart affected: Focus Filder"
The trumpet ensemble of the school of music Neuhausen organized the musical frame. At the end of the event donations were asked for in favour of the school of music Neuhausen.
We thank the local committee chairman Dr. Rainer Roos and the chairman of the parliamentary group Andreas M. Edelmann for the invitation of the Neuhausen Organ Society.
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann, February 8. 2015
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Burst of applause for the "Ludwigsburg Festival Brass"
New Year's Eve concert in 2014 as a felicitous conclusion of the concert year
For the 11th time the festive New Year's Eve concert took place in our parish church. The turn of the year into the year 2015, which will be the year of the 10th anniversary of our series of concerts, was done solemnly by particularly brilliant brass player music. The wind formation "Ludwigsburg Festival Brass" played instruments in a shiny instrumentation. In some pieces, the formation has been accompanied by district cantor Martin Kaleschke at the organ. Amongst other works Kaleschke played solo in a "chorale prelude akin to Jazz" written by Volker Bräutigam (born 1953)". He knew how to transpose the variants with the broad sound spectrum of the E.F. Walcker organ virtuosoly which are tangy and composed imaginatively on the chant "Nun freut euch liebe Christen gmein".
4 trumpets (Hubertus von Stackelberg, Klaus Ulrich Dann, Sebastian Zech, Paul Jacot), horn (Harald Domes), 2 trombones (Matthias Jauß, Friedrich Mück) and tuba (Fabian Zürn) unified into brilliant, rich Sound. Works of Pachelbel, Strauss, Mendelssohn and Gigout filled the large parish church. For the over 500 concert-goers the tones became a true ear treat.
The audience particularly liked the smart arrangements and variations of the contemporary 62-year-old composer Stephen Roberts. These were arrangements over "classics of the classical music" like Mozart's "Alla Turka", Beethoven's "Elise" and Brahms "Hungarian dances". The noticeable pleasure of the "Ludwigsburg Festival Brass" when playing these pieces immediately jumped over towards the audience. A great applause was granted to all musicians at the end of the concert. The enthusiastic audience still could elicit an encore from the windplayers.
The encore rounded off contemplatively the evening. The hymnal piece "Highland Cathedral" resounded in a lovely arrangement. The encore let goose-flesh atmosphere in conclusion arise and rewarded the "Ludwigsburg Festival Brass" with a renewed approval storm.
The review of the Esslinger Zeitung, dated 02.02.2015 about the New Year's Eve concert can be found under the following headline and link in the Internet:
New swing for the classical music
NEUHAUSEN: New Year's Eve concert with the Ludwigsburg brass player quintet in an extended instrumentation
The article can be found under the following link:
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann, January 2015
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Please note down: Annual meeting!
On Wednesday, March 11th at 19:30 p.m., the annual meeting of the Neuhausen Organ Society will take place in the big hall of the parrish hall.
In the 10th year of the re-inauguration of our E.F. Walcker organ we cordially invite you to a very informative evening.
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann, February 1st 2015
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Invitation for our festive New Year's Eve concert 2014
We cordially invite you to our "festive New Year's Eve concert" which meanwhile already became a tradition.
You will be able to hear the Ludwigsburg Festival Brass and district cantor Martin Kaleschke from Ludwigsburg. With this concert on Wednesday December 31st at 16:00 clock our concert year 2014 will come to an end.
Our this year's New Year's Eve concert is under a special star:
The Ludwigsburg brass player quintet, which has musically filled us with enthusiasm and with brilliant sounds for so many years on New Year's Eve, is going to celebrate its 30-year existence this year.
It is rare that an ensemble founded in the student days exists so long, permanently works out new annual programs in increasing form and gives performances in numerous concerts.
On the occasion of the anniversary year the Ludwigsburg Brass will give their concert in an extended instrumentation. We particularly look forward to it because the increase of 5 on 8 windplayers opens up another large musical spectrum.
So among other works, double chorus pieces of Bach and Mendelssohn will resound. Furthermore compositions from Henry Purcell, J.J. Moret, Jim Parker, Eugène Gigout, Richard Strauss, Peter Tschaikowski and Scott Joplin will be performed.
The LBQ Brass in their main instrumentation:
Hubertus von Stackelberg, trumpets
Klaus Ulrich Dann, trumpets
Harald Domes, horn
Michael Peuser, trombone
Fabian Zürn, tuba
Martin Kaleschke, organ
And this year for the first time as "Special Guests":
Friedrich Mück, trombone
Paul Jocot, trumpet (Württembergische philharmonia.)
Sebastian Zech (solo trumpeter of the Stuttgart members of the philharmonia).
More about the Ludwigsburg brass player quintet can be found under this link:
If you want to get in contact with the Ludwigsburg Brass please turn to the following address:
Prof. Hubertus von Stackelberg
D 71642 Ludwigsburg
Tel: +49 (0)7141-251818
Fax: +49 (0)7141-250862
Before the beginning of the concert, our new flyer for the concert year 2015 will also be presented.
In the year 2015 the re-inauguration of our E.F. Walcker organ and the foundation the Neuhausen series of concerts will come up again for the 10th time.
Ticket sales:
Tickets at the normal price 12,- € et
Tickets at the reduced price 10,- €
Our ticket agencies are :
Stationary Shop Brahm
Dahlienweg 7
73765 Neuhausen a.d.F
Telephone-# : 07158 - 9549088
Volksbank Filder eG
Schlossplatz 13
73765 Neuhausen a.d.F
Numéro de téléphone : 07158 - 18 18-0
or our box office.
You can also reserve tickets by sending us an e-mail und the following adress:
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann, December, 16. 2014
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Thank you for your visit at our organ stand on the
Neuhausen Christmas market 2014
This year, we again were present with our organ kiosk on the Neuhausen Christmas market. We had to offer quite different Christmassy ideas of present.
Among others there were our organ champagne, apple chips made by Maria Theresia, our special created organ hot punch, CD with sound recordings of our church choir and the Eberhard Friedrich Walcker organ, the book to the local history of Neuhausen written by Willi Fay and a much different more interesting things.
Like last year, a member of the municipality gave us different home-made wooden figures again. We are deeply grateful for this gesture towards us!
A just as warm "thank-you" goes to all helpers who have supported us energetically with the errection and depletion of our sales booth, for helping with the decoration and for the sale.
Many thanks for your visit.
We wish you a glad season of Advent.
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, Sunday December 7. 2014
Dr. Helmut Thomas Eisele
Chairman of the Neuhausen Society of the Friends of our Organs
You can dowload our new 2014 concert program for
the series of the
Neuhauser Orgel Konzerte
on this link as a PDF-file !
Director of the sacred music Markus Grohmann,
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, on New Years Day 2014
Large Donation on the Occasion of 80. Birthday
To the beginning of his anniversary celebration, virtually as a surprise, Mr. Humborg at first invited his clutch of guests into the parish church St. Peter and Paulus. Here Mr Grohmann started his guided organ tour for the group continued with a prelude at the E.F. Walcker organ. The guests were of a coloured age distribution. Some of them even arrived from a long distance. The guests of Mr. Humborg appeared enthusiastic about the instrument and of the history of the church and organ.
One of the youngest guests could play even a song on the organ. This of course pleased the relatives particularly.
Instead of giving presents for his anniversary Mr Humborg asked his guests to donate for preservation of the organ and the church music.
So Mr Humborg could submit the stately total amount of 1.455,- € to the parish administration.
We are very thankful to Mr Humborg and his wife for this great idea.
We furthermore want to express our best wishes for them for both health and welfare.
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann, October, 20. 2014
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Invitation to our Organ Concert with Balázs Szabó
from Budapest, Hungary
Balázs Szabó (* 1985 in Miskolc, Hungary) started with his musical education in its hometown in the age of 15 years.
Starting in 2003 he began to study organ at the Franz-Liszt academy of music in Budapest founded by Ferenc Liszt, followed by studies in Würzburg, Trossingen and Rome. During his studies he received artistic impulses from Christoph Bossert in whose class he has completed the master class for organ in 2010. Parallel to the master class, he went through the international Master's Degree OrganExpert being under the patronage of the Vatican.
Europe-wide he is working as organ expert.By private study he learned the restoration of reed organs of arts*. Meanwhile he is giving concerts Europe-wide as reed organist on instruments restored by his own on instruments of his instrument collection.
Since 2011 he is assistant professor at the Ferenc Liszt music university in Budapest where besides other taks he conducts the newly organized organology education.As a keyboard instrument specialist he, besides its organist career, performs an active concert career as pianist and harpsichordist. Furthermore he is one of the few reed organ experts who virtuosoly know to play the Mustel's reed organs of arts.
Balázs Szabó won several international organ competitions under these are: Premier Prix in St. Maurice (2007).
Grand Prix and Prix Special in Biarritz 2009.
1st price in the 60th international organ week Nuremberg (2011).
For his artistic activity he furthermore has bee elected man of the year (2008, Hungary).
Standard price of the city of Miskolc (2010) and the junior fantastic Award (2010).
In the concert in Neuhausen he exclusively is going to play works of the important German organ late romantic (1873-1916) Max Reger.
Here the link to his homepage:
A very interesting link can be found on YouTube:
Szabó already repeatedly has been in Neuhausen as a guest at guided organ tours, for instance during ourses at our E.F. Walcker organ. He is very enthusiastic about our instrument.
*The reed organ of arts is the highest-order manner of the reed organ. It has been designed especially for solo use. An essential characteristic of the harmonium d'art is a wind pressure dividing. This enables the organist to play the claviature bass and treble in different dynamics.
Ticket sales:
Tickets at the normal price 12,- € et
Tickets at the reduced price 10,- €
Our ticket agencies are :
Buchhandlung Bücher & Co.
Esslinger Straße 1
73765 Neuhausen a.d.F
Telephone-# : 07158 - 9 81 16 83
Stationary Shop Brahm
Dahlienweg 7
73765 Neuhausen a.d.F
Telephone-# : 07158 - 8771
Volksbank Filder eG
Schlossplatz 13
73765 Neuhausen a.d.F
Numéro de téléphone : 07158 - 18 18-0
or our box office.
You can also reserve tickets by sending us an e-mail und the following adress:
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann, September, 2. 2014
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Much applause after concert for trombone and organ
At the day of the patronage of St. Peter and Paul our 3rd concert of our row 2014 took place in the parish church. Prof. Armin Rosin with alpenhorn and trombone and Prof. KMD Michael Felix at the Walcker organ could be heard. A very peasant programme had been performed with works from Armin Rosin, Nimra Korinthos, Britten, Mouret, Petrali, Rheinberger, Liszt and Guilmant.
The well-adjusted duo gave an interpretation of the works virtuosoly. The audience could feel and heat their joy while playing. At the beginning, Prof. Rosin explained the numerous concert-goers details of the bass trumpet as well as the instrument alpenhorn, his genesis, his production and last but not least his original purpose for the notification in the distances of the Alpine pastures of the Swiss mountains. Into these one felt also moved at the beginning of the concert when the earthy instrument was made impressively by Rosin sound in the live room parish church.
Among other things Prof. Felix played an organ solo with 3 movements by Carl Philip Emanuel Bach whose 300th birthday is celebrated this year.
As an encore Armin Rosin surprisingly presented himself as being a powerful gospel song singer with a spiritual.
At the conclusion of an adequate patronage celebration a joyful applause rewarded the two musicians concert evening
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann, July, 20. 2014
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Obituary for Heike Loeffler
The Neuhausen Organ Society mourns for its active member Heike Löffler.
She has deceased after a serious illness at the age of only 44 years.
In May 2008, Heike entered the Neuhausen Organ Society as an active member.
She has always been available for us if we needed her help. We appreciated her good piece of advice as well as her ideas. We will miss her.
The Neuhausen Organ Society will keep her in silent commemoration
Director of the Sacred Music Markus Grohmann, July, 18th 2014
- officially recognised music teacher -
- Manager of the Sacred Music of the Deanship Esslingen-Nuertingen -
Children with enthusiasm at guided organ tour
On Sunday May 11th, 2014 towards 2:30 p.m., a small group of approx. 20 children assembled on the churchyard in front of the parish church St. Peter and Paulus. Our director of the sacred music Markus Grohmann welcomed the young guests and their parents. At first he explained the history of the parish church and the reasons why it was built so large. From the churchyard the group then walked to the house of the vicar co-operator in order to see the geometric forms on the south side of the church. These can be found again in the organ front. (Due to the data privacy the faces of the children are blackened)
The children found it quite funny, that around 1850 the organ builder Eberhard Friedrich Walcker could come to Neuhausen only with the horse-drawn carriage and that cars and electric current at that time did not exist yet. This meant that the organ had to be provided mechanically with air, i.e. "wind".
Inside the church Mr. Grohmann showed the "face of the organ" from the apse. The children could recognize the geometric forms of the ecclesiastical architecture in the organ very well.
From the apse of the church the group then went up the stairs to the organ loft on which the organ stands and the church choir open sings during religious ceremonies.
Here Markus Grohmann explained the most important elements of the organ. As there are the organ pipes, the mechanics which allows it to open the valve of the pipes in order to make the pipes sound their tones.
After these more theoretical informations he then demonstrated the individual stops followed by an organ crescendo starting with only a few quiet stops up to the full sound with all stops.
After that it was the children's turn. Mr Grohmann hid the answers to the questions of the organ Quizz during his explanations in the guided tour.
Some questions the children found them quit funny.
The children took part with enthusiasm and filled out the questionnaires developed especially for them diligently. It turned out that the children had paid attention very well.
At the end Mr Grohmann thanked the children for their attention and their interest. Although every child could not be given a real organ pipe but a Kazzoo as a present. And, shortly after the handout, it hummed just like in a beehive. With the Kazzoo and their questionnaires in hands a joyful group of children left the parish church.
Neuhausen auf den Fildern, May, 28. 2014
Markus Grohmann, Director of the sacred Music
Staatl. Gepr. Musiklehrer
Manager of the Sacred Music of the deanship Esslingen-Nürtingen